Knives of Meat...the true story

Texas de Brazil in Town Square

Brazilian style dining is catching on. The idea and/or thought for many people to just have meat delivered to their table is no longer just a dream.

It's your dreams come true. Brazilian style sausage, fillet minion, flank steak, Parmesan Chicken, Garlic Sirloin, Top Sirloin, and Lamb (to only name a few of items...Lovin It (yes McDonald's marketing has hit the blogging world)

The food is excellent...only the finest meats are used when preparing the "knife of meat". To accompany every table is a side of mashed potatoes and a fried banana (which tastes more savory than sweet), also included is a "salad" bar that includes sushi! fresh mozzarella, artichokes, rice, and many other appetizing vegetable dishes.

They cut the meat right at your table

There is a very large extensive wine list, or you can stay classic with the original Coca-Cola glass bottles...When was the last time you saw those (coke store does not count).

To finish off the evening you can indulge in some of the tastiest desserts in Town Square. Definitely worth sharing, very rich and sweet but decadent in taste and pleasure

Three Layer Carrot Cake and Banana Fosters Cream Pie w/ caramelized sugar banana

To meat or not to meat...

To help control on the flow of the meal they have a green/red disc that tells the servers whether to stop at your table to deliver some meat or to continue on to the next table. That way you do not have worry about someone interrupting your special moment, your break-up moment, or your I "smoked" a little moment and I want privacy in my current Gluttonous act.

To learn more on Gluttoney in Vegas check out issue 1 of Neon City Magazine at

or catch it here on our myspace blog and become of friend while your at it.

As always...

See What's Glowing in A 24 hour lifestyle

-Knee Onn

Jet Nightclub - 3 year anniversary celebration with T.I. performing

To think Jet Nightclub, property of the Light Group has already been around for 3 years. Seems like just yesterday when the Buzz left Light Nightclub at the Bellagio for a 3 differnet rooms/sounds night experience.

T.I. while out serving community service (1000 hours total - which led to a reality the way...I should not have to say this but committing a crime to just get your own reality show DOES NOT HAPPEN) will face up to 1 year of jail time for his guilty plee on US federal weapons charges.

The performance at Jet was a mad house...Everyone wanted to get inside to see TI do his thing....and he did not disappoint, dishing out hit after hit until the whole room was in a frenzy...

View More pictures of TI and Jets Celebration at
Or click here to go straight to the gallery

.....I wonder if he will be out in time next year for the fourth anniversary?

Until next time...

-See what's glowing at A 24 hour lifestyle

-Knee Onn

The Scene Behind - Members Only Photo shoot

The photo shoot was done for the February issue of Neon City Magazine. Both the model and the photographer had to do a balancing act on the walls of the house to create some really great shots.

The height from the floor was over 15 feet high! The things people do to get things done.

The line of cloths was provided by Members Only, a revised company direction from the Members Only you grew up with. The line mostly for women goes far beyond just the nylon windbreaker jackets from the days of ole.

Famous stars like Zac Efron, Paris Hilton, Mariah Carey all have been seen wearing this iconic 80's brand reborn.

To view more pictures from the shoot visit

To view more pictures of the behind the scenes visit our myspace page.

Destiny - Making a Double stand for World Peace

Until the next time...

See What's Glowing at A 24 hour lifestyle

-Knee Onn

First in Line

In Vegas at any given time there is something so absolutely amazing going on... true there is some bad things like people losing their money, puking in a parking lot, or god forbid the the blue and red lights on a cop car in your rear view mirror and you knowing you had waaaaaay to many to drink...

...But what is happening at any given time is there is always something to go do. In a town where Fashion, Entertainment, Nightlife, and Events are happening constantly. People need to know what is going on.

Neon City Magazine covers the hip, the casual, the casually hip... Look they
cover what is Hot, what is new, what still is the next "cool" or "connoiter" (Ka-noy-ter) ---more on that at the end of this post.

Neon Nights is an attempt to cover this daily lifestyle as it races by us, showing this glowing city at its night (and the following day).
What the connoiter?

It's a real word but here is the story to how I came to know the word connoiter...

I was driving into the Planet Hollywood parking garage, while rolling up to the fifth floor I actually see a spot pretty close to the elevators, and mind you I was already late...

So I pull into the spot fast cause... well...I was driving fast and so my park job may have been a bit crooked but I was well within the two double lines.

I get out of my car and start walking and some guy two spots down who was still walking to his car says...

"That was a real connoiter job"

...thinking to myself

"What the fuck is connoiter?"

and the word has come to mean the screwup, the messup, the bad...welcome connoiter to our language...(damn that was lame).

-Knee Onn