First in Line

In Vegas at any given time there is something so absolutely amazing going on... true there is some bad things like people losing their money, puking in a parking lot, or god forbid the the blue and red lights on a cop car in your rear view mirror and you knowing you had waaaaaay to many to drink...

...But what is happening at any given time is there is always something to go do. In a town where Fashion, Entertainment, Nightlife, and Events are happening constantly. People need to know what is going on.

Neon City Magazine covers the hip, the casual, the casually hip... Look they
cover what is Hot, what is new, what still is the next "cool" or "connoiter" (Ka-noy-ter) ---more on that at the end of this post.

Neon Nights is an attempt to cover this daily lifestyle as it races by us, showing this glowing city at its night (and the following day).
What the connoiter?

It's a real word but here is the story to how I came to know the word connoiter...

I was driving into the Planet Hollywood parking garage, while rolling up to the fifth floor I actually see a spot pretty close to the elevators, and mind you I was already late...

So I pull into the spot fast cause... well...I was driving fast and so my park job may have been a bit crooked but I was well within the two double lines.

I get out of my car and start walking and some guy two spots down who was still walking to his car says...

"That was a real connoiter job"

...thinking to myself

"What the fuck is connoiter?"

and the word has come to mean the screwup, the messup, the bad...welcome connoiter to our language...(damn that was lame).

-Knee Onn

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