Lifestyle: Los Angeles: Toy Factory Loft - Award Winning

Lifestyle: Los Angeles: Toy Factory Loft - Award Winning

Downtown Los Angeles keeps renovating its streets and buildings into a very modern urban living mecca. The Toy Factory Lofts on Industrial and Mill St. have won best Interior Design Award from the ARCHIP-2009 awards.


Better start checkin out Downtown on a regular basis as more changes are on the way. Check the full article here. Zellnerplus wins ARCHIP-2009 award.

Till the next 24 hours,

-Knee Onn
A Twenty-Four Hour Lifestyle™

Facebook - Neon City Magazine

Lifesytle: The Met Lofts Interact with People

Lifestyle: The Met Lofts Interact with People: Lighting up the Lobby and the Night Sky

The Met Lofts in Downtown Los Angeles took interactive to a whole new level by having a lobby floor with light up squares. These squares change and move according to where you step, now besides that just being really cool in of itself. The exact movement of the squares in the entrance of the lobby are also displayed on the side of building. For all of the staples center and the drivers on the 101 freeway to see.

Check the video here of how the movement works. And below is also another video of the lofts at night of the side of the building.

This Video is by Off-Ramp

-Knee Onn
A Twenty-Four Hour Lifestyle™

Facebook - Neon City Magazine

Lifestyle: Entertainment

Lifestyle: Entertainment;

Make Yourself a Movie Star!!!

Have you ever wanted to be a movie star? Now you have the chance to put yourself in all your favorite movie scenes with the new Yoostar.

The Yoostar comes with a webcam and portable greenscreen. It hooks right up into your PC and you can start acting out scenes in no time.

Learn more at

-Knee Onn
A Twenty-Four Hour Lifestyle™

Facebook - Neon City Magazine

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Lifestyle: The Coca-Cola Freestyle

Lifestyle: The Coca-Cola Freestyle - Coke Machine of the Future

Coca Cola company teamed up the newest technology and a unique design firm to create literally the most futuristic coke machine or dispensary ever. Deka Reseach invented the micodosing technology which allows for all the different syrups to be possible. Pininfarina Design created the futuristic look.

Testing in Coca-Col's hometown of Atlanta, and in Southern California since July 2009. Check here at Coke's facebook page for locations.

Here is a video of the Machine in Action

Guess Warren Buffet always protects his investments, and this sure is one amazing one.

Check Also for other cool designs in home & office, and other consumer products.

-Knee Onn
A Twenty-Four Hour Lifestyle™

Facebook - Neon City Magazine